For same-day dispatch*
For same-day dispatch*
It’s designed to help installers verify the correct operation of electrically activated sensing edges when installing or carrying out maintenance on industrial doors & gates. This new product allows the installer / engineer to test both 8K2 Ohm and NC mechanical safety edges as well as the 8K2 Ohm controller input.
The IN2 Access tester has two safety edge inputs which can be independently configured for 8K2 Ohm and NC mechanical edges and the allows both to be tested simultaneously by the easy press of the “EDGE TEST” button giving the user a clear Pass/Fail LED indication. The Unit also has an 8K2 Ohm output in order to simulate a safety edge input allowing the engineer to test the controller / Panel is working correctly. The tester is powered by a CR2032 battery and can be easily changed when required.
Many installers we speak to do not carry spare 8K2 Ohm resistors or due to the size of them, lose them which can make identifying problems on site more difficult. Our new unit will comfortably sit in the engineers toolbox and eliminates the need for a multi-meter with a resistance measurement as well as spare resistors.

Coming soon!
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