For same-day dispatch*
For same-day dispatch*
Note: We offer alternative traffic lights in our Value Range. Live chat with us for any questions regarding which alternative is most suitable for your application.
With M20 cable entry point and 180° movement, our robust traffic lights are ideal for industrial applications.
- Power supply: 9-35V AC or 8-45V DC
- Weight: 1.95 Kg.
- Lens colour: Red, Green
- Lens diameter: 120mm
- Lamp consume: 3 W.
- Middle life lamp: 100.000 hours.
- Degree of protection: IP65
- Operating temp.: -40oC to +70oC
Compatible with our traffic light switch manual controller, CLICK HERE.
Kit for mounting on a pole also available, CLICK HERE.
Certain downloads (such as manuals and wiring diagrams) are only available after logging in with a Trade Account.
CLICK HERE to login or CONTACT US to set up a free Trade Account.